welcome back to the kaiser report i'm max keiser time now to turn to tyson slocum he is the public citizens energy program dude tyson welcome back to the kaiser report they always great to be here now more blackouts in california what's the cause this time and how does the structure of the regulatory system cause the blackouts typhon the grid operator is a private company called the fornia i.s.o. or independent system operator and they are tasked by the federal government to oversee all aspects of the grit and on august 14th and then again on august 15th they had to declare what's known as a stage 3 emergency that's the worst stage to be and because it means that they don't think that they have enough power to meet demand so they have to force poorer parts of the grid to endure blackouts to help bridge the gap between. supply and demand so they had to do that on friday the 14th and then saturday the 15th and the immediate cause of it on friday was a very large natural gas power plant tripped they were able to secure enough imports and so it's just a complete disaster and as a grid operator