u. k. the u. n. e. you are china pakistan and was beckett's don. and although it's unclear at this moment how long that meeting will last, there was a statement that was issued by his i'll make a little before he arrived in the quarter in which he said in several planned rounds of meetings over 3 days. representatives from countries in the region and beyond as well as for multilateral organizations, will press for a reduction of violence and cease fire and a commitment not to recognise a government imposed by force. that would certainly suggest that one of the messages currently being delivered to the taliban is that there will be no international recognition for a government in afghanistan that the taller bond has seized by force. now, most of the diplomats that are here have not been speaking on the record today, and that really goes to show just how delicate things are right now. just the fact that these talks are taking place right now really goes to show how much of an international push there is to try to get things back on track. and afghan is stand at a time when things have really been spiraling out of control. this is a country hosted event, it's an international meeting and everybody who's here once to try to respond in an appropriate way for a rapidly deteriorating situation in afghanistan. now, in the last hour there was a meeting with these envoys and the afghan overman delegation that ended. we don't yet know how that meeting went. and it's on clear right now. what exactly is going to happen over the course of the next 2 days? there have been some suggestions that perhaps the diplomats who are here are the envoys and the delegations might press to have another session of the intro. ap gan piece talks that dialogue that is really stalled out. that hasn't gained much momentum. the last meeting that took place in that process was in mid july here into how many would like to see that get back on track. but at a time when the taliban continues to take more territory and they do seem to have the upper hand, nobody really knows what their response is going to be. how much leverage they are going to claim that they have in these meetings and how exactly these diplomats as much impetus is there is right now how exactly they are going to be able to get this system, this dialogue, this process back on track. emily, plenty of moving parts to this one. keep us updated mohammed jam jim de, in doha, for the taliban has taken more territory and raised in wakes then it did at any time since it fell from power 20 years ago. in may. it controlled about 20 percent of afghanistan, shaded here in grey, according to the long war journal. but as the u. s. and other foreign troops withdrew, the group has been ramping up its attacks and has made sweeping games in the past week. it's taking the provincial capitals of condos. tele can very poll shabba gun that runge and isaac fighting to control herat kandaher and helmand continues. it's a critical test for the afghan government as the taliban advances and surrounds the capital cobble. rob mcbride has more from the capital. the conflict here is wide spread across afghanistan continues and it continues to escalate around half of all of the provinces. here in afghanistan, reporting some sort of ongoing conflict. some of the faces fighting has been taking place in the relatively small city of fara in the west of the country. now the taliban has been uploading videos on the 5th street battles in that city. it claims to have overtaken the governors compounds and also a security compound there. and there's also claim now to have taken the city. well, that is now being confirmed to us by sour