a u-haul. what is a game man bring on the second date? -- gay man -- what does a gay man bring on the second date? what second date? [laughter] if you look at gay culture and lesbian culture, there would be nothing to be surprised about. it just so happens, in the last generation, once the restrictions and the criminalization and persecution of gay people was released and when there was a general, sexual liberation in the entire country -- straight and gay -- in the 1960's and 1970's, gave men -- gay men had freedom and no social institutions. 300,000 of them died. i have lived with the virus now for 16 years that has denied me the ability to have citizenship, that has terrified me, i have lost friends, my closest friend. i watched him die in his mother's arms at the age of 31. i really believe -- and i will tell you this for my motivation. it was watching that happen -- and i am not blaming anybody for anything. it is a very human impulse and very understandable. if we do not create the social institutions that can help gay men restraint