outside interference such as what we're seeing and romania, what consequences does this have for b e, u. brum, for instance. it's, it, maybe it's the end of the demographics is a, if the europe in a gone. so really can so that election in germany via the constitution called because of a of d as in the, it will be the end of the democrats in european union. the, and the in germany, of course. so didn't really go on the street. we have seen in 1989, the venza people going this played against the government of east germany. and i'm sure the same. what happened is they, again to the elections. mister baton, used to 11 muskets vocal support for your party as possible. evidence of election interference does not claim hold any fruits on what do you feel when you hear it? has no choice. it would. mazda did not give us a one year, will not say, he did not uh, pay any sitting for our apology for it, like some campaign or something like this. it just made to talk with me is my boot on his bread from higgs. oh, okay. it was a nice talking, but uh, it's not giving us money all spending money. it was a pol