u. k. sufficient chip shops, the close of the next 9 months, as the world bounces back from the pandemic. it's now out of the frying time and into the fire. greg swenson joins snap and london. greg is the founding part and london baseman and bank brig mcadam. thank you for joining the program. greg. what do you make of the new british household aid package? is that enough to ease the cost of living crisis? well, molly and i don't think it's enough to ease it completely, it will surely help. and that's the problem with subsidies and, and these type of welfare payments or transfer payments. you know, they definitely ease the pain a little bit or they, they definitely eat, you know, will help lower income communities with the, with the costs, the higher costs or the cost of living crisis. but it never solves the problem. and that's, i think that's the problem. is that more spending more subsidies will help in the short run, but actually creates more inflationary pressure in the medium and long term. and so that's inflationary in itself. so it's not a solution. i think it's an unwise government policy. greg, the opposition also says measure is poo