u local k u, they're great reform, all french public finances and the tax system you've came up with and tried to push for 3 taxes through parliament, through the senate. oh, and the lower house is dilly polk, income tax law. well, taxes new and inheritance tax electric says he proposed the 1st income tax bill in 19 i $1.00 and $4.00 very hard for it. leave us with in 1987, he introduced the idea of a progressive scale via and with the 1st world war. in august 1914 for the income tax was finally introduced because they had to finance the war, russia. so they, through of high the mahari glam pu show of new pesky, full financially folder you because of the 1st world war and income tax was established in france in the summer of 1914. it was based on both the british and prussian taxation systems. but it was more symbolic than anything bringing in very little money, especially because declaring income was voluntary and high, earnest weren't taxed at high rates. and as the expensive watch and on government, once again had to fall back on loans. appealing to patriotism, governments convinced the citizens of france, germany, and britain to finance the 1st world war the highest price was paid by indian soldiers with their lives. but on top of that, it was the vos debt, that, of course, the people would have to pay back later. ah, for the defeated germans, the bill was even steeper, since the victors forced them to pay war reparations. hauling death on top of debt meant the german people were stripped of all they owned. in addition to old, i had lost in the trenches, one could hear the rumble of revolution. germany in ruins teetered towards bolshevism. the state was quick to react, 1st with brutal repression. then with the weimar constitution, the 1st democratic constitution in german history adopted on the 11th of august 1919. and finally, the large scale tax reform designed by mathias s bega. is a, stella form the voucher i'm shock. shoot. this tax reform was a shock of a food, especially for the higher classes and those with high incomes and asset life yet, because now they suddenly had to pay significantly more taxes. somebody in prussia for example, the top tax rate was 4 percent off, 1900 more often. 1919. it was 60 percent. so for those with high incomes that was definitely noticed thrown us grew about kenny, i great if one else beggar him or i. so i know of his speech by asked maga in the right stock. indeed in which he shouted at those in parliament who represented his side of the wealthy trade knob. you haven't shed any blood up. your son's didn't fight this war player and you didn't pay with your blood. and it was the little people who did. we brought us up the woods, bizarre, left the glide. so now it's time for you to help us recover from the consequences of a war. evade, for which you were response and voting up. this didn't make him popular with everyone during the troubled years of the weimar republic. and in fact, he once told his wife is the bullet that will kill me who has already been forged adviser for. there had already been several attempts on his life and sean dish meet it before he got to see the results of his tax reform. but he is as it was assassinated on the 26th of august 1921. by a far right militant on top of that, the allies presented germany with a new bill. $133.00, be in german marks. germany said it couldn't pay into 1923 french troops moved in and occupied part of western germany. the german mark collapsed and hyperinflation and shoot basic staples became affordable in despite the differences, the french and germans agreed on one thing. those who survived the war must pay. it was the only way of keeping the dish in check. the left wanted to use taxation to reduce in a corner seat and as a means of redistribution. and many agreed with the idea right after the war. in the interest of national unity tax reform adopted in france in 1920 rubber stamp. the principle of progressive taxation, the wealthiest would have to contribute movement. those with modest income across the channel in britain opposite happened. ah, soldiers returning from the war had been promised home financed with public money. these homes fit for heroes to the eye of the establishment which didn't want to pay . the owner of the populace daily man, lord rosamille launched a vicious press campaign. attacking what he saw is government waste. he created this, this outfit. so this organization called the anti waste league and the anti waste leaks, or rather than talk about homes of homes for heroes, the anti waste league seems to have said that we, we can't afford homes the heroes because the government waste a lot of money. i the thought of his campaign against against the government. the government of the day appeased him and they set up something called a committee on national expenditure. and this committee was headed by so eric get is the transport minister. so eric did ease implemented a series of deep spending cuts, which became known as the getty sacks or the getty stocks was kind of the most severe piece, time cutting of government spending on record. so. so over 2 years, i think 1921 to 1923 government spending was caught by about a 3rd which is savage. and, you know, and instantly they can't government spending, they crash the economy, they cause deflation. it procedures a decade of unemployment, of about 10 percent. during the 1920s in britain, many came to believe that the state should have a little role as possible. what came to be known as the minimum state. contrary to britain, the french tax system was experiencing its childhood growing pains, rich and poor alike, struggle to accept the income tax, which they called the suckers tax. the wealthiest discovered the benefits of tax evasion, and found safe havens for their fortunes. ah, is known as an evil gurley bunks, vis commerce and the 1920 says the producer swiss banks started advertising in the french prices. also the brilliant boar, selling the wealthiest people in france. you can put your money in a swiss bank to wish, but of course, in order to avoid the newly introduced income tax and on did it more lampoon? i goodness. so you can see that tax evasion underwent a research on this memo, wants the wealthiest started to be taxed. more of newly lee presented. rich germans used switzerland as a hub to avoid high sack sation and inflation. soon. the amount of equity managed by swiss banks was equivalent to the german debt, which in the early 19 thirties was the largest in the world by allowing such huge sums to be hidden away in swiss volts. these countries were betraying the principle of tax equality. the little people had no choice but to obey the rules, while the wealthy felt entitled to evade them. less and less money found its way into state coffers, and resentment grew among the middle france. then in 1929, the stock market crashed. following the wall street trash, europe was left really the great depression plunged millions into unemployment. western nations devalued their currencies as a form of debt relief. once again, it was the people who picked up the tab in france, a policy to reduce the public deficit, increased unemployment hurting the middle class. this social crisis was followed by a political one as anti parliamentarian isn't became more popular. ah, the french national federation of tax pies, fueled to brewing rebellion, opposing workers unions lambasting civil servants and threatening members of parliament who opposed them with the vehement demands of these techs protests played into the hands of far rash organizations. parties on the left came together in the front populace to fight for fair text distribution and social justice. decades later, the 2019 jello vest protest is a fighting for the same thing. well known thunder dupel ford in the little guys are always getting rod it ruin also the rich pay nothing and are always protected with or any dicky. solidarity is incredible. inquires yellow bass is white, cold pink vasily kindergarten, teachers yell every one is united non violently in the street. didn't budget. um we won't back down. ashley, i am going to you. oh for months the yellow vist hoped alliance as could be made with other social movements like the kind that made the election of the full popular possible back in 1936. ah. it wanted to find a solution to the economic crisis. after being voted in from popular decided on higher taxes for the upper middle class, the party became a force to be reckoned when. finally pushing through legislation on some of its most important issues. workers were happy with it brief success. i at the same, i am in germany, there was much less cause celebration, chancellor bruning strict foster, she policies brought the country to its knees and provided the nazis put the route to power. me not to use taxation as a weapon in 2 opposite ways. lowering taxes for some while ruthlessly raising taxes to choose in ah, that's an idle telephone time, the team, the national socialists then use the taxes and their criminal agenda. and i just successive expropriation of the jewish population took place. first of all, via the highest flight tax. this had already been introduced under cleanings and before the nazi regime floor in order to discourage people from playing abroad to immigration. walton. most people wanted to immigrate if they had to handle the 25 percent of their asset. this then in 1938 after the violent riots, especially, taxes levied on the jewish population. another 25 or 30 p. m. and then during the deportations, assets were taken away. moment of the assets were basically confiscated by the state or sometimes by party organizations. whole party bigwig provides a vicar norman. despite the threat of war, the united kingdom still continued dreaming of a minimal stage. the briefcase contain details of britons. draft budget in a ritual known as budget de the chancellor of the exchequer displays it in front of their official residence. but in 1938, like everywhere else in europe. know, simon had to call for investments in the war taxes. i don't live with people who haven't got to pay them. contributions them making to the country's defense are the contributions of a free people determined to maintain its freedom and ready to pay it. but in promoting peace by making britain safe and strong, the final consequence of the great depression. the 2nd world war in 1942 as bombs fell on london. william henry beverage presented a report bearing his name is advocated for full employment with the states intervention. he turned on its head the economic concepts from the great depression and proposed a model at complete odds with the get his axe. with this report, the united kingdom would put the minimal stays on hold. the people having survived war were about to be on the receiving end of previously unimaginable generosity. at the same time, they've reached also introduced another new revolution. social security in the idea of a wealth, if they didn't come out of the place. but it did receive a decisive boost after the 2nd world war. and the united kingdom, germany, and france, the fledgling social security systems that had been coupled together since the industrial revolution were being consolidated. but i knew was this about reducing inequality, but also about where you building the economy with the labor force less reluctant to work with only the protection of the law. there are 2 ways of financing a welfare state. there is a german model based on social security contributions. and there is the british model, which is based on tax patient protection social, but when it's funded by social security contribution dislike bismark, the original model suki paid, it is reserved for those hang contributions and their beneficiaries, as that the land, as a model very focused on wage early, so in theory, access to it is not universal. it's not for the whole population. and of course, whereas the british model, funded by taxation is open to and the benefits the entire population, root level production building on the achievements of the 4 popular the french national council. the resistance introduced social security. the year was 1945 and the counsel which directed and coordinated the french resistance had to face the reality of a postwar economy. you social groups emerged dividing the population into salaried employees, small farmers, and the self employed. in, in germany, the economic situation was even worse. the stretch of bankruptcy haunted people once again for the 2nd time in a century, the deutsche mark was worthless me. soon the country was split into on the one side, the zone occupied by the capitalist allies on the other design controlled by the communists and the soviet allies. in 1949, the capital of the federal republic of germany brought back the model of the fine republic. and in doing so, opted for a market economy regulated by welfare system and left him griego, govern either by to me i indulged and shy and as a child is at scale for after the war, a large majority in germany was for social legislation, for a welfare stating that after the 2nd world war conrad out of our see to you, campaigned for nationalizing industry and for a functioning welfare state and even more generous than in the weimar republic and other they wanted to stronger a fair tax system and a strong welfare stagnant charged me, on the other side, the german democratic republic adopted the economic model of the soviet bloc. private property was abolished and the economy nationalized in contrast to the liberal minimal states. this social state assumes responsibility for all social issues and east germany was practically free of taxation in both the east and the west politicians and pow wow. keen for their thought to be seen as the only true germany, capable of providing for its people. like a thought about to boil the whist watched the east and vice versa. in our search and emma of vest version showed east germany was always watching west germany and trying to be better than west germany as well. east germany had more equality. but with a much lower level of prosperity, which done a scab kinda alberts, those id cards are, there was no unemployment ration. but wages were also much lower or discovery in for and every one benefited from state welfare to start from birth. to dare to presume labs ender knew about the level of care was far, far inferior or desert by the fog light. this is why any comparison with the west german welfare state, it was a challenge for east germany start because they could see how much better off the west germans were, shar starship ah, in with against the backdrop of the cold war. germans in the east and the west will locked in a permanent contest in the west, the economic recovery of the 1950s known as the vic shaft, wonder drove up wages or people started paying income tax which was becoming more progressive. never had the tax rate for talk earn has been so high. people were living better and longer than ever before. with consumers society seemed lacking paradise. then you found prosperity along with policies encouraging. having children drove a baby, a social spending increased, so do the need for more infrastructure. how could this economic boom be financed? since taxpayers were already at their limit with income tax, government turned to a tried and true solution. consumption tax. with in france, in 1954, a tax inspector, maurice law had the clever idea of inventing a single indirect tax on goods purchased by consumers. this was the beginning of the famous value added tax. all that to don mpo nobela, a been orthodox unit letter. that is a tax that's collected fractional late. this is due, it's levied at different stages of the production process. none so not part from the final consumer. those who pay the bad can get it refunded. i q, diesel, says esha, if you figure out as a result, 3 companies are refunded a lot of the vat they pay off the lativia can bake, which makes it not such a burden for them. this is what makes it so ingenious urgency. in 1957, the treaty of rome was signed. establishing the european economic community within europe. customs duties were abolished and goods could move freely. and so began the gradual introduction of the lucrative value added tax in all member countries were ga. gov. today that is still the main tax and france far greater than other taxes. while income tax brings and $70000000000.00 euros. all of that brings in 125-2130 1000000000 euro man no sold on song. so i'll talk to y'all. do you agree with her? it's no coincidence that the yellow vests have made that one of their main targets . this was your question, the lower or abolish taxes on consumer products necessary for survival in that the the are sort of that on basic products like food, hygiene, and clothing as a scandalous would want to raise that on luxury products to balance things out. i did not killing others and shopkeepers with all kinds of taxes. i, after the main 1968 rights in france, many employers relented. wages increase, especially minimum wage, which shot up by city 5 percent. purchasing power was on the rise and the working class could see a way out of poverty was well for quality. finally, within reach the oil crisis of 1974 crush this dream never before in peace time had western europe suffered such a shock. once cheap energy prices quadrupled and business production costs skyrocket. to maintain their margins, companies laid off workers. my son, employment not seen since the war was back. a social model designed to offer full employment was cracking. once again cash had to be found and quickly. ah, could a wells tax be the solution in france a plant tax capital was back on the agenda. his proposal was discussed during just call the 27 year term as president and was proposed by the left wing coalition that came into power after him in 1981 which i posted on fulton this. my tax on large estates will never be supported by the owners of largest states. but the tax reform, the country is calling for is on the way and will hopefully bring about more equality ada. guess where she guess is your new text it to deja communal the bill was far along one you mom's lily for it was close to being passed into law don't so never did delay because the finance law imposed deadlines. good most our evie duly then came questions from the alizae poly yellow light. what are we going to do about small shopkeepers, or artisans, and fishermen, or a pre se good to do? and isn't there a risk that the owners of large family companies will have to immigrate the yearly korea, the commissary v. e. thus the bill gradually took shape over. do you coupon o m more so for a whole month, i wrote messages that were taken by no home abuse to the l. a. z palace. to explain that if we did this, the only people who end up not paying the wealth tax in france would be the very wealthy stover. then came a speech by president mr. hong he declared he, i have decided to exempt from taxation, real estate that is relevant for purchase. it's good us. after all, do me a, off it accepted aggressive when i push on the wealth tax has been implemented and real estate is exempt. now i want this necessary tax to be included in the bell. this is, as you sit up with this, is it. and yet, despite considerable tax breaks, much of the capital migrated to switzerland. for the most part, the wolf tracks missed its target. bringing in very little, it made only a symbolic contribution to reducing inequality. perhaps it's equal the end of the fight for well for quality. meanwhile, from the u. s. in the u. k. a quite different sentimental rows to much taxation kills tax revenues or as margaret thatcher often put it, there is no alternative to economic liberalism. for the next few decades, this idea would dominate political thinking in western democracies. and the welfare state was slowly crumbled. after more than a century of protesting and pushing for change, what would become of the people's achievements with ah, with what's making the headlights and what's behind them? dw news africa. the show that's actually issues shaping the continent. life is slowly getting back to normal here on the street to give you enough reports on the inside. our cars funds is on the ground reporting from across the continent, all the trend stuff. my talk to you in 30 minutes on d. w. o. sometimes a seed is all you need to allow the big ideas to grow. we're bringing environmental conservation to life with learning packs like global ideas. we will show you how climate change and environmental c