u. k. u. s. u, i'm to all the co us here in this region will be back on monday eve of the us presidential election to explore israel as role in anointing the success as a genocide. joe with all of them. and i mean nominated filmmaker, james, bam for it until then keep in touch, why will i social media if it's not sensitive in your country and had to a channel going underground tv, hon, they'll come to us and you and all the episodes of going underground see monday, the the is the launch of the special military operations mold. in $13000.00 far less than the race of joining the ukrainian military. we will use lots of things are good enough to stop growing up. i mean, you need for 2 of us doing to the new the surely, cuz it was just william wills. get what you my friend built for the fine you is fine. yeah. the, the but if the yeah, point on it is that the surgeon at the end of the was it is i didn't know that you know for your state. okay. mental breakdown, skin stuff, talk as long as you might have. some of you made a couple of dining. come see fun. susie, i'm going to sean, you and music on. so not a v. s e. i'm just following back up on the if cisco on top of the field of worship glove means it is also, that'd be good to see a guy and use that as a beautiful supervisor. fiddle assured for you my florida. she knew i was like you strong enough listening to the physical and that's the for all t r t formerly known as russia today trying to influence the presidential just and i found that very extraordinary new efforts to once again infiltrate our election and undermined democracy to will fight proceeds to direct us information in propaganda here to sort of divide americans are chief, has moved beyond functioning fact or okay, then do you want to know who i pick was this time and make sure you turn in for all the special coverage of the us presidential election. the, the, the company i'm going to do must let me do boy children's clinic a will needs to go ahead and you can go to some limit, but it the cd too many got it. so it didn't, it was, it was really most convenient and the, but it's got a little simply do it to bring it back a little mute the suit doesn't, but it didn't signal instead of to the front of the way, the lowest. we put it out of the list of other ones. those little friends are still when you were to put in the dates for the truth and matters. but i guess i was talking about the time was very little focused on church, on the well for you to, to do would be in the so that's the, in the federal court to do for me to come to school. we usually pretty teach squeeze, stablish, want to put them a little bit at least one group i'd love to, to have with google a more skillful or concrete estimate of virginia and really can. so you can send that in and it continues to unusual. be a good for she mural, the scratching in those. and if you don't see them again and, and say you was nickel, loaners couldn't send data. what's in the, i mean because he think it is if you have thoughts and this book particularly show, i mean you can scale the firstly concept, loading the way in the silvo issues. i teach him pretty, which to, to you more than you should, does more than this moves in the machine. you had a really good shooting and starting for bravo. it was telling me that guns go doesn't choose to particular besides, so usually come cut the radio, the night many guns get me started as a little boy, i don't want to be in syria for food stamps and it's best to do what uh, what did you call it a cali to uh, the duma enrollment because he's able to do a little plan. it would be in the semester near a considerable alternative the news for the lease that was to immediately anymore here. would you be the person has to? yes, this is just the words go key to redeem a. they literally retail. so i'm fucked up. i'm gonna go buy out on this. do you have to have some of the 2 bottles of the music? if you want to be able to be in the middle of the semester and you're concerned about that of what they have to be able to to use your drawer and keep them for speaker. let's see the that i'm going to move to new interest. give feel sleepy, little bit, i'm going to be sending, put them in the new bill, which was late, but i don't mind that person is that i seen as early as the you know, those are some sheets from don't good mold. well, people who think of cuz of came loose to hear you, you will because you but i'm still not be to forget to the system isn't unless they didn't put in which of the little bit it's going to split up those tools. a, a good company company to stay a little skewed, don't you fix the purchasing? you would little to protect me just a boat and you know you've got to live streaming doesn't really get to what you're doing these eastern new phones. if they don't put any of the thing, is there a movie is really low and then it goes crazy with cadets it because one of those, when we submit to the mortgage store, it will basically go a felony minutes. i mean, dad lives met that isn't your look at me is latrene isn't going to give me just mention it. it's a joy. the thing is not just only want to go sound like even though we related from new tenant. go to the conclusion incident. it wouldn't be true, some sort of thought a well, that was deliberate, also put in some of those things. missional. it kept up and i'm going to do some more sessions. the funny thing was you must submit a bunch of dig also forwarded to the do. it is still with people who are like watching for me because of the, i mean it comes to go down series and great. it is not going to schools as you share pleasure, but a lot easier of allies to go forward to us. one more thing. so i think and letting even quoted you need to come get is the is everyone's move along with it for me to speak. if i don't, let's be let me loose skin with the july. i told them, i don't think that i'm pretty much renewing if we would get on board if, as you chose and use a pretty easy didn't school can use as a things don't to deploy. even though the way it belongs to dealing with the boy and the email to play it and we'll, we'll have the link to the guns that even the play up to more or less. you share the good uses some way was if there was any, what those people that say the what, but we'll see what was the, what the notion of them for me to keep me. i knew what she was progressing. so i'm gonna do some new listing that i should by the end of the session or will be, these are the board. it was a news for you. all destruction of furniture will consider the dealer familiar with the process because get parts reached out of the light of the eyes and then by any but she show a new system more than the property treats e. and then you need to use long list to reach me at the bottom. got this, see you used to because most of the deal with it wants to know the stone shifting of somebody to kind of shape and click these things. are you able to choose to go through fix cuz they searched gives you a new model or no move engine? they've got any uh can you please aid you in there? but i see you agree here. so i can see she wants to know on solution when you will still 15. when would she lives? us that i would say nice to be be, but here's a new black light smither for me. i would. but if somebody in the last few moments extremely seemly new, most wasting which listing was sure is that the listing? when did is clear, but i didn't know o'clock is up unless seen it. if it was full could be tony little things that, that the police told me is typically luck. the thing is to finish up the machine at the board, so sleep row used to be only put it in. so let me go sort of what the tools at least any that i'm finished opening books and contribute on the update side. so tools stuff did you need to go over them and you were good for you to scan music, redeemed. well, when she does that, i think i'm going to do more homeless thing for them. story i need to go to the in the may flow were pretty blue, beating them instead of was city is considered an issue. so per hour meeting and usually slow moving it go totally needed, still books need to pollution included. so should that split the i mean what would be needed? so each let me just loop it a little bit misleading. leasing it for me. it's a bit of dealing with any, any other changes it can store it. i'm glad to do some of the solutions for the juvenile court of weight it to be so full flight in those in which we need to some . but then most of the projects you will, will we be in the position to on the young goals on the little bit the deal is tequila or g escamy 11. know guess a be an easy read. you want to to is easy to petition just you and you have to each i sent. those are based on even stay on the for new years and the scores for she we a virginia, one of the reach of a to a venue. fortune your she in your area on the other an issue assisting us to put 1000 because excellent. and then you would have roots on go to the store, uh g opportunity to virginia for you. when you go to the store, i need your team and as of to new dna sent to them. but each store the cut, the dough and started present in to me is doing starting president them on a month. lucky to remind you to 1st name it. those are the videos to load it for me to con ski politic human media guns. give it a try to brush is a brand new drum for it. then you told us we bought a pretty cheap screen usage and that's part of the process financing will produce, provide you a solution if is that person's very is right there. right? yeah, so this is neither of them. look, i deal with those mine to go to a new meeting is, i mean it's, it's like i told them that it appears that the she said she didn't know what to do . we still really sub junior funding for those. any of them actually physically when yeah, but as you will, the money was getting those closer. but to me last night that up less than the probably didn't even a possibility of those guys. not gonna should buck up the web us any store a chart that says losing people to put on the plan. you really won't really see substance through blue. take a, let me get that for the show. whitfield for the, for as far as the branding, and they will put them, put up all of those sort of down below. as soon as you get those in the middle of this, you should know some of this stuff send me. i can look up the annual student. it's got a pretty wide deal. it's almost a bumpy, significant. the email stuff also missing you got get those more. yeah. with them the literature little come good 3. each doesn't let me go through to a new president of right. it took you to google for an issue those and then the, when you have the idea, what's new as it goes, what about that sore throat increments? so if it's sort of a say is this for i see, is a known upside. if i made it the give her all the very best i knew which are universal this monday. watch that comes which it with us on the sliding scale. i'm origin levels of pop up and yet i knew it was for love, it is private and a must for to create the west and was the was that i said, you know where? yeah, i did or was that one toward us store. so when you do that process there, but also she likes and 12th grade, he, it was the and you got to put them side of it if in. yeah. and then it with us. so, but it was an invalid thought so, but it was a large number of agreed splitting it the morning and it was fun. but she wants to move there. but for it was like she or which one of them are for us at the job of the system to be more than the know them know that go over this with you. it always or what is she and a couple more than the 1st thing. you're not going to see what your thoughts seem account for somebody else. and so, but when you're away with me and how is this a couple includes up to them, why is it possible for them to but as i do with it in this little bit frustrating it with some of this for us not features, stuff like that, that on but will really be to jim's, if you will, could i know it's just the way in a company to use just in the policy what somebody and your goals and see the whole secrets here as well as that as a what in the you missed the fish and what were you doing? yeah, the so did. so it shows how book but have still not refreshed. looks kind of a me to go quite a little but no belong that we do. we'll just buy a new genders. if at all of what you mean seriousness, the beer, we've always a good mix lunar but, but it's what i'm told about nearly episode wasn't get started with. i'm with a good, easy for the 3 of us also. so those deals of the us, if you don't graduate, there's a new market out the, the city i'm scared of. so what do you live, safety to build on you and when you're in there? but if it was that, what was a good sealed or something you should be? yes. because because i listened to upset, i'm glad to sort of voice impressed, unprofessional task of a little more than that. it what it is. i mean, if it grows to give us that, or from the potential that they may have spoken to you more than the sort of the number that you figured, you know, the shop which was good side and i have the last so we do a washing. yeah. wish them over. what do you mean e receiving most loading is the order, but not exactly whether it's you don't have to be when you snip that goal. what do you mean? those ideas and elizabeth you have to move that eventually, but in that case, there's no way of still domestic videos. i'm not sure to deal with you and you don't wish to make so much a blow for no garden. smart leave. i got what, you know, bruce knew that as a boy, perhaps it has a level as a category users in the market. i think they just click on send me your gusta and you'd like steven united be a little little gush. the lovely does a degree shift garden drop off. that's beautiful views missile taskbar. joe, at the woke i. d. and which box to what do i get to choose special sheila's skilled? at least some of the others payment that i need to create a new page or creative. they might do senior work like yours or service between the new board. so the reasons why was the thought of which is often those look what it is, what it does. so what we'll still be suggest we do the, the, the listing limit. it goes to. so to prevent him to think it is a person has to ask, you know, thank you. yeah. and your data and stuff because of this and the reason for them to give me a buzz of not 10. yeah. so, but it will be in those all the places in the world most through it all is that the way it will go through as much as they will of the one. let's deal with it. let's continue on that. that us and the gym. does that sooner so nice thing, but ask you this is it that i'm going to kill ssl, but the new point of the available is in terms of energy person wanted in football really not sure. we didn't have to drum forward shift a little closer and that a yeah, i mean, but use cuz i should, we shouldn't blow so low. should i start? well, for us at the pretty still can i call up last evening at the most outgoing but cuts yes. to does it a step above that goes? looks like we gotta see, score as well. generally we have, she declared, we gotta she, uh, but garden it almost and leave you need to be upset. instead, will do much to and you combine is drum, but he said he has to issue, can we get it or do you need with the new cook worth or let you know, thanks cuz they're in here with me. it's during the, during the via see the we still but it's easy to put on put an inch. there's a way that it's just a little bit a little bit silly of the sugar to we've got plenty of room cut off, but basically the phoenix and you've got to live in florida. same those levels. so change in a protocol. we just caution. let's just take the color was, i mean these give me the name to be the front of me to come get rid of we've actually advisor still continue with person of color. we are free by, i fear it as much as the sensor light, the suspended, simply those, and which means to suddenly even that you lampton provides and that you learn big to him. he gets a good amount of money to land line and someone good. i am homeless, the homeless and he goes, keep it as it feels, it's the state of the teachers to get a google the say a for example, because of got a special number in it. i mean, it goes gradually, assistive if there's anybody the at the particular work in athletics, no one is a staff collab can do it the way that the lower disability is the digital. and it's pretty easy to navigate a splitting tail. nick, i need you to say media media pretty deals and just on the flushing video slips to not something that what they just shut up, sent a couple are good to go. so at the top, the new to store or the new york for the signal to the sport or just of one bunch i it does not use the same store to dodge, presented your dna before and you sign it. but it's a gift from sydney on that stuff. those are fortunate was the cochran new mobility. i get or is not bringing him to guthrie. she doesn't really need. she has no phone. yep, right now for, for joe. they do have deputies, youngster, for the theatre from yesterday a booth. the color cart is a week ago. you said the mood 0 and the steam was a little afraid name. but then when it was about southern the, do you have dimensions of the sheets in there? could you go to in the city and you any pretty much any boston you put him in a way to be honest with the which started up. i don't pull it in one of the zeros in goodness and would be see actually at the so wouldn't be able to start out any more criteria doesn't inputs and fit the square heart is would please you jump them in. yeah, the would be in the so that we could, but i'd say a share medicaid and the other most to log in you if i read it, i would story and with us is village. but at one point we'll do a survey. and of course, the best option for this book to you at the board is a little bit of a plus signal mixed up the shirts, but the whole just seemed bundles that we should definitely video to, to kind of get. so it's confusing to pick such as you'd be with some storage more and more serious cups that are usually kind of shipping in wires. just don't, i don't need to know and you can learn, you pretty much them which and then shook the studio to say no and they start the it should have decent booty. i liked best critical that there were some of the easiest and most popular. it was very slowly consensus, but you still are question boy, you lead to all of the doesn't particularly but there's no you have a sure bottom but is against gifts for you with already mess. yeah. june present? gmc yes. but on the dog and you procedure almost uh when you were on the train, you bought it so as you know, on the last, on the stein it's uh, it can let me know. but oh yeah, simple. harden or could easy. so i was more than a few months ago, go up. so kindly nipples. i know some of the was to just say for no deep paid your friends, and she is going to increase, but i'm losing for that. so we go to another formulations, which is the correct to present a virginia to work me or we were notating anthony's best post carpenter in the room. when you put a hold of the middle sky is slower, the wrong kind of deal is village, musical slowly luthey, luthey, luthey, luthey will, if you knew clearly getting the s that i needed to be able to do more, could i to unless them the little pursue computer a little enough to which you the new lady did little yes, better when you get that and you told me to send this to go through it was go through the so if you go and you should say it is what i see. and so i may, is what i can send, you know, you need to go and you ship it, my goodness. but when it comes to me, unless i'm doing it, do you mean to the post of it? okay, think that could literally but i'm sure data is when needed to renew the computer. and so let me do some new music. select that because of the new world and with that estimate. but after the, you had a conflict said, you need to come in. that is to is it, does it mean it's goober metal? we still will do minutes. so leave me in the, in the desk. give me the a little more interested in lots of, i'm interested in the family. this for gabriel more ship based issue i, if i do, for the full of the senior snap, under the guise of evacuation about 50000 people were transported. the main purpose of this concentration camp in federal rules was to in think prisoners was typhus and use them as a human shield against the advancing soviet on me. giving my own but silly and slipping coupon. you put them in the, in the plugin for the ship that you're shipping and stuff like that, but don't worry, don't bring your name. yeah, i'm so sorry. i missed goes out there. so it just seems to me put your salary and as a to see if the nazis use people is biological weapons leading them to perish without food, water or shelter. the doors small, it there for me. if i did so could i think it was, it was usually the smart the can you could the you can use your windows or just put an easy issue really ship for them to move the cam gloucester 10 days or what else made it drastically defense from other camps of the 3rd rice watch on t the, the 1st 3rd of the 19th century was marked by the aggressive expansion of the united states. the american sought to seize as much territory for settlement as possible. ignoring the sovereignty of the neighboring states and the interests of the indigenous peoples in 1845, washington announce the annexation of mexican texas. and in march, 1846 american troops invaded mexico. however, mexico itself did not have enough means to effectively confront the enemy. besides, it was being torn apart by internal conflicts. the americans manage to turn the tide of the war in their favor. in september 18, 47, the u. s. army captured mexico city. mexico was forced to assign a humiliating peace treaty according to wait to get lost 55 percent of its territory. vieques agent of the lands to the united states elected terrible consequences, bloodshed, genocide was committed against the indians in california. during the 1st half century of the american ruled, the number of the indigenous people in the region decrease from 150216000 people. slavery which had been abolished in mexico long before the united states attack was restored on the occupied territory. this will later become one of the reasons for the civil war in the united states themselves. nations like individuals are punished for their transgressions. we got our punishment. american president ulysses grant wrote about the consequences of aggression against mexico several decades later. the l look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings except we're so shorter is