u. n. food, an ex cultural organization. 75 percent of the gold script varieties disappeared between $1902000.00. huge wealth of regionally specific, locally adapted crops, has been replaced by standardized motor quote to variety. when you ship by the sea to model cultures, you are eating just the same to commodities for calories because calorie became the measure. nothing you know is how many companies controlling the seat and no one aust, latoya be as the most important but anything you pick up in a supermarket has really a process. even your sugar now is not sugar. it's high fructose corn syrup from gm gone. and this was on the one hand lips to the erosion dividing listing, you know, phones having the floors. but he just did do an erosion of body of a seat. you know, the last 20 years as chronic diseases and exposure to the need to the fact that helps against the soul. because the rich of your soul is in diversity, does return. your lungs are nutritional that was as a result of speech, you're