u. n. natal are urging com a to a secretary general say 700 more soldiers are being sent to assist the close of a force. ok for mission. we strongly condemn the unc provoked attacks against k 4 troops and not uncomfortable which led to the 30 peacekeepers being wounded. such attacks are unacceptable, must stop. okay, for the night the forces will take all necessary actions to maintain a safe and secure environment for all citizens in comfortable and we will continue to acts in partially in line with our united nations. a monday, while tensions remain high, the former may of a veteran and ethnic sub says protest will continue until the close of our government's box found zillow, so not to do the same. i wanted to tell the people that today we will stay here and that in the coming days, we will grab it every day, increasing numbers until our demands. i met. you saw and heard our demands yesterday. the withdrawal of the special comfortable police units from the buildings of municipalities, and in general, from the north of the cost of the 2nd divine, was to prevent the arrival of the legal mass