you say one could make the case, the britain where your speaking to be from is just an aircraft carrier for the united states, with all its u. s. military bases masquerading is already f ones and all the military troops. but you know that if the present macro could and we invite him appear on this program with those right now he'd say, what are you talking about? and you mentioned them kicking out the base is the friendship in the what was it the 40s or fifties at us basis? and you know, you see the all the, and to us vote to the united nations the unwillingness to go in with the iraq invasion. and so yes, indeed, it was the girl who um, to the base is out to the 1960s. and they took the different ones out from the, uh, political, the military of united military come on. uh, but of course it was a sad cause a who in the late 20 tends to crowns back in and across, pursued that, you know, because they have planned to says policy. um, so the key point is that contrasting to this atlanta system, which leads to does empowerment to western europe. we know we're, a lot of us have been putting forward. and the goal is tied to is the i