u. s. compatriot lindsey von griffin. go ahead, yvonne in tuesday slalom event in austria by amena coach julian enables man says the club hasn't given up trying untried. assign goalkeeper yon salma from garcia once in. glad buff zelmer has emerges. buyers top target to replace the injured man. well, neu on saturday thought bob said zelmer wasn't for sale. na guzman called that plain pope. he was a fan favorite, and his clubs all time top score. but you, you're, you're a brian striker santiago. garcia. took his own life in 2021, in case that fuel to worldwide conversation about mental health in football garcia's former teammate uruguay and sporting defender. sebastian cortez recently spoke to players union 5th pro about the shock of losing his friend and the pressures of the professional, gay will sebastian cortez. europe was disappointing. world cup was difficult in more ways than one. it brought home the absence of a beloved friend. oh, i am in the gay candour went on up, but it's always there. but this is an important e