u. s. mary lee harvey oswald, was arrested and charged with killing kennedy, but he denied the accusations and was himself assassinated before he could stand trial. well, conspiracy theorists still speculate about, hey wally pulled the trigger. we discussed the latest documents control the say with john kerry, i'll keep his hosts ortiz, the whistleblower shy, 59 years after the event. these documents are redacted in whole, or in part bill clinton, george w. bush, barack obama, donald trump, and joe biden, have all decided to keep these documents secret. i find it bizarre. nobody cares. after 59 years, nobody cares. there's no danger to the national security. so i think eventually cooler heads are going to prevail. and these documents will be released, and i think that historians will be disappointed because i don't expect them to say anything important. there are conspiracy theories that the american mafia killed kennedy that the soviet leadership killed. kennedy that the cubans killed kennedy. i very slowly come to the conclusion that the c, i probably did have something to do with john k