u. s. s. r e. okay. and france had stalled because at the same time, london hosted secret anglo german negotiations in exchange for the british empire, integrity, the british green let a german march to the east. despite the absence of a formal agreement, hitler was given to understand that he was free to act at least and shouldn't worry about the west with when we speak of new territory in europe to day. we must principally think of russia, that colossal empire in the east is rife, the dissolution of hitler mind comes. hitler makes clear in mind, come in 1925, that the real goal is to take over ukraine has going to the east against the soviet union. that was always hit, there's real call and the europeans understood that in some ways poland 2 was preparing to invade the ussr with handler. the dismay limits of russia lies up the heart of the polish policy in the east. the main goal is to weaken and defeat russia from a report by the polish army, general staff intelligence branch. but handler had other pl