going to ukraine was such a complication and blunder of the united states. similarly, be the way b u. s. x needs to be tie one is the same thing that's bad if i could say use the ukraine, a beast, asia, you know, don't provoke between the nuclear super powers. for heaven's sake. this is the most basic point for our survival. meantime, we've seen and essentially the g 7 economy is almost entirely being swapped out by the bricks economies. when you look at the top 10 economies nowadays, you know, you mentioned china and india and, and russia, but some of the traditional european economies at the bottom now, all the top 10 list. uh, when you, you mentioned publications a moment ago. let's just bring it back to us idea for a 2nd. i mean, this whole scandal, it continues to shock the world. i mean, who would have thought jeffrey, honestly, who would have folded usa id was financing all kinds of terror groups like isis spoke of her. um, i'll try to h t as in syria, this is the country of the world. the tell us all of us. it's fighting terrorism, jeffrey, the usa. i the very sadly combined a 2 co