u. s. zuka kin founded this group in 2020 and place here every week . yeah. like simple little clout, i english one, it's a ritual and deliberation from the daily parkinson's drudge. where you're constantly reminded that you have difficulty moving on. comes in with you enter this completely new world where everything else around you fades away. in our guns and melanie go zuka kin dis, 56 and has had parkinson's disease for 10 years. she started playing ping pong as a teenager and played in the club for years. parkinson's brought her back to the table. with parkinson's, the brain can no longer control the body's movements while the body becomes slower . stiffer and un, involuntary tremor sets in. if the disease can't be cured, but exercise can help, and dopamine is crucial. that's a messenger substance for signals between the nerve cell in the brain. and my daughter mean, you have to take what the body doesn't produce solitude with what i told them. man to buy me and then i take my job mean every 2 hours. oh, that's very important because otherwise my energy r