doubled your wallet and then u.b.c. and they simply you have good ways out.that's a sin is it like a big win in your business. father alexander a local church dean has come to visit the colony where undone of his serving his term. he used to bless the cross that will crown the wooden church in the colony. brought the image of the virgin mary made with his own hands. really don't be shy speak up go easy pleasant place father let me learn how to do it here yes what this new friends look elian has carved this icon himself. some of which people often reveal hidden talents here you know it's a lot to thank you for your gift i think you are giving it on behalf of everybody but. you can. see that you cannot be seen to have been church icon painters have always been spiritual people i mean that can you call yourself spiritual. i guess no. kidding if one wished therefore first you have to read the gospels the one that you found yourself under unusual circumstances so use this opportunity to read more to enrich your soul and all the rest god will open up for you but yo