conference on selling you know they would have had to lock you up in terms of economic impacts the a u.b.s. side which is that the organization that held this huge conference says that it could have a major impact so we're talking eighty two point one billion dollars between two thousand and fifteen and twenty twenty five of that thirteen point six billion dollars would be coming in an integration of vs in the first three years alone it is also a huge job creator i mean there we're talking thirty four thousand jobs in manufacturing alone in the first three years you're talking to haven't heard out of the other jobs texas eighty two hundred jobs florida forty eight hundred of those with these projections are always over ten years that's kind of like oh the cvo periods too well and if you really think about it you know one hundred thousand jobs isn't really that much the difference between these jobs and some of the other jobs that we've really seen coming into the economy is that these are high paid jobs you're talking forty thousand dollars out of the gate so they don't have anywhere to go to mc