. -- dittmer u.d. -- get muni. i think it is not fair that children cannot go on buses. everything but the parents and said so far. but one other thing we have to pay attention to is the criminalization of our children. when our son was in court, he had to do community service, and he had to hear a speaker who was an ex-convict. it is because it is part of the bill. and he said he is their peak as he lost his 50 cents tickets, and everybody laughed, because they were shoplifting or something. [bell] this would address a lot of safety issues for our children. he would be here, but i just dropped him off. thank you. supervisor avalos: the thank you. next speaker, please. i have no more cards, so if somebody else wants to speak, please line up. >> ][speaking spanish] could coleman -- >> good afternoon, members, supervisors. my name is -- and i am here to ask for your support for the fast passes. i am the mother of two children with asthma. we would not only use the fast pass to go to school for my children, but my children have to go to the hospital 10 times during the mont