mario, u.f.c. has met the reporting objectives in 2016 for the citywide program achieving an overall score of commendable or exceeds standards. so when the budget and legislative analyst is preparing these, we send them the whole report. it can be a lengthy -- it lists all out the objectives and how they did in each one, and it's rolled up into a score. so we can provide these with more detail or provide them in the report. but the budget and legislative analyst is looking at it and then reporting on it. >> supervisor fewer: so i think supervisor is you're asking if not if they have met the objectives that they set out, but really, what is the overall efficacy of these public dollars that are being spent. so we get that there is a proposal, and they're supposed to meet these certain -- this criteria, and the b.l.a.s responsibility is to see whether they meet these things. but i think what supervisor haney is asking is about the efficacy, the overall treatment. how does it impact individuals on a da