you see yourself when you're going to college at u.h., remember that? then you see yourself when you were in high school. and you keep watching backward and you see yourself when you were a little kid. you see yourself as you're being born or see yourself before you're born, you know. would you see that? would you see all these things, gang? could you be patient and keep watching time go backward, backward, backward? - answer begins with a... - no. no, you couldn't, okay? the show would be over after this gets to you. it's like if i shake a stick in the water and run out here and wait till the waves come, they don't keep coming forever and ever and ever. it went from the time i started shaking the stick or the time i jumped from here to here? in fact, here's a thing too. everyone take a look at their own hand. put your hand right there. are you guys looking at your hand as it is right now? no, you're all the time looking in the past because light left your hand and it took some time to get to you. so you're seeing your hand as it used to be. you're seei