of the suppliers to handle this equipment, and the manufacturer has not tested this equipment under u.l. testing, and their best was 85 decibels on the low end and that it is likely higher than that. president peterson: that is likely a response you can submit. >> we would like them to submit something from the mfg. giving the actual wage of the equipment so we can have a representation. vice president goh: i have a question for you, sir. did i hear you that when they turned the compressor on is when they were doing the ambien to? >> last thursday, it was on for two minutes, but they were supposedly taking readings, but that information was not provided. vice president goh: i have a question for the permit holder? >> please step forward. vice president goh: did you have the test with the compressor test on -- with the compressor on? >> i just did a reading. commissioner garcia: and you might include in your brief the manufacture ratings. >> sure, i can do that. commissioner garcia: think you. president peterson: i would like to hear about ways we can get a representative at the time of