there's an organization known as u.n.c.l.e., heard of it? 'well, i belong to it.' 'rather than going into tiresome details' we're interested in locating your father. now do you believe that? yes. no. oh, i don't know what to believe. you said you saw my father. where? how is he? he's fine. as to where he is, i don't know. it rates very high on my list of unforgettable experiences. 'anyway, we were out about a half an hour, we made a switch'' 'we dropped off some people, and we picked up some people' and among the people that we picked up was your father. aboard the outrider? i don't believe it. i'm not saying he's there now. i'm saying he was last night. as to where he is now.. is there an island out past the harbor? there's nothing out there - 'just the..' - 'the oil tower.' (felicia) 'that's ridiculous. tower's only a platform in an oil shaft.' is it? maybe that's what they want us to believe. felicia, do you have a boat? my father used a rowboat. the hansen's rowboat. good. a rowboat is what i need to get there. thank you. - you gotta take me with you. - no, no,