the captain receives about $60 u.s. ahlaam, at the bottom of the ladder, $37. en though he's the captain's son, he receives no special treatment. we asked the captain about the problems ahlaam had fishing today. the daily allowance is paid on the spot. the captain receives about $60 u.s. ahlaam, at the bottom of the ladder, $37. even though he's the captain's son, he receives no special treatment. we asked the captain about the problems ahlaam had fishing today. it is friday, the islamic day of rest. by the road, an old woman breaks the bonito in flakes and in japan it's used but in curry it's used for soup. it's time for lunch. his father can be quite strict. every friday ahlaam goes to meet a certain someone. they seem close, perhaps she is someone special. ahlaam, introduce her to us. maisha umar has been ahlaam's girlfriend for to years. for the sake of both himself and his girlfriend, ahlaam needs to learn his trait quickly. that night, ahlaam is back out fishing. one of his senior workers is fixing a tip to the end of his rod. ahlaam is going to try a long