u.s. national anthem erupts across the beast that holds america's most scandalous prison no one likes to be spit on no one wants to have their own torture hunger strikes and suicides have marred this place since two thousand and two and they're human beings after all they're there's no reason to expect that they enjoy being here you know we pretend otherwise prisoners held indefinitely in the name of the never ending war on terror whether they're innocent or guilty is not our job right now we have the court system to time and that in just over a decade a total of seven hundred seventy nine prisoners the majority released without charges on the other side of the barbed wire. life is a blast. furnace and water and it's nice there's nothing really bad about here just like any common american town now is awfully scared to come here but i mean it's absolutely beautiful place when you get around other stuff getting around the other stuff is not hard a lot of what goes on here is kept under a thick veil of denial and secrecy camp delta house as a hospital and library and this is also the place whe