response the soviet leadership started a fresh bounty of open persecution one of the central u.s.s.r. newspapers published an article composed by four soviet academics who choose sachar off of instigating. against the soviet union mr sattar of if once you have the right to be called a comrade of the working class can no longer call you so the soviet workmen deplore your miserable attempts to tarnish the soviet reality and can damn your outspoken treachery. these abusive letters are actually very diverse but they have a similar structure that i didn't paragraphs the analysis of their contents reveals that it was staged they picked people of various ends of the soviet union and told them write sucker write this and don't mention this and that. meanwhile support for the exiled academic was growing in the west the square in front of a soviet embassy in washington saw so many demonstrations he was named sacral plaza have incurred washington. new york and decided before the. court steps the russian. remained quiet street next to russian. united nations mission very mission isn't very middle part of wa