in dubai to make the videotapes public and to release all that information, or was that a strictly uaeink it was strictly a uae decision, but, frankly, wolf, in the past, the united states would have played a role to downplay and encouraged great britain and the united arab emirates to make sure it was handled by quiet diplomacy, what i am hearing from my sources, a retir retired masad sources, they are upset that they didn't play a role behind the scenes. >> israel is full of stories about the president of the united states humiliating the prime minister of israel when he was over at the white house this week. he made him wait. he said, i'm going to go have dinner. i'll come back later. i mean, it was a pretty -- a pretty -- if you believe the stories in the israeli press, a pretty ugly mood. >> i will tell you, if you talk to sources here in washington, they describe it in similarly ugly terms, as a meltdown. i will tell you, wolf, you know, initially, american officials were quiet after the snub of the vice president. and then they came out and they were very publicly critical. this