>>ual, i've been in two high-speed chases.ee, four. >> do something bad, because we get bored, ain't got no type of activities, no clubs, no fun centers or nothing out here. that's why people, they just trying to have fun, even though it's breaking the law. they think of it as having fun. >> how many guys are ready to make a change in your life today? i want you to raise your hand and hold it differently. >> every day i think about how to survive when i go outside. if i'm going to be able to come back home piece peacefully. >> but you know what? the minute you show up at someone's house and someone pops a cold brew in your face, what are you going to do? exactly. we got one honest person in here. >> i need to be in different environment, less violence happening, less bad activities going on in the neighborhood. that's where i think i need to be. >> i acknowledge, lord, that you've done everything for me by dying on the cross. by raising from the dead. >> been through so many of these court dates. i don't know. i mean, right no