shophe wed showus ved uars various places where the families spilled blood. >> this is where there wasr's eve and get a wild idea let's go over and kill all the mccoys and our problem will be solved. >> reporter: this climactic battle came to life in a mini series earlier this year starring kevin costner. the hatfields outside open fire on the mccoys inside their cabin. >> this is middle of the night, killing women. randall escaped but others were ki lledkill. ed. >> it was a turning point in the feud. within 20 days the hatfields pwer e unwereder undarreer ast arresnd tt anriald trs ials followed shortly thereafter. 23 years of this conflict and almost like a light switch it's over. >> reporter: for 125 years the most famous family feud in pame ricaamern hiicanstor hisy watorys ju wasst a jus t a story in these hills separating west virginia and kentucky. there was no evidence, no artifacts, no science to prove how it happened until now. >> oh, i got a bullet. >> reporter: this past september a team with the national geographic channel series "diggers" used metal detectors to search a