as you know, san francisco is the fiscal agent for the bay area, uasi. the total grant is approximately 22 million. the grant supports projects and public safety agencies throughout the bay area. the money is not just for san francisco; it also funds the almeda sheriff, police department, san jose police, santa cruz county fire department, the fremont fire department and many other public safety agencies. here in san francisco the grant will fund planners at my agency, department of emergency management. it will fund radio communications equipment for the police department and department of public health. apparatus for the fire department. supplies and equipment and things many first-respond errs use in san francisco . this resolution creates no new positions in san francisco and there are no matching funds required by the city. the resolution is retroactive because the performance period for grant began the day we received the award letter, october 12th. we have a short time to spend the grant, 18 months. i'm happy to answer questions you may have. >> t