tencent is said to mordred than double its stake in ubisoft. -- more than double its stake in ubisoftft will remain unchanged and tencent will not have any operational bodies. paul: still to come, weakening weighing on china. this is bloomberg. ♪ shery: awakening you on may be -- a weakening yuan -- this chart showing when it is weak, chinese stocks are weak as well. let's get more from our senior equities reporter. this sounds like it is counterintuitive. we know china has a huge exporter. you would think, you have a week chinese currency, that is going to be a competitive edge for these exporters, why is this happening in the stock market? >> a weaker yuan is a burden for the chinese economy. it is counterintuitive considering china is the world's largest exporter. if you look at the stock market, the biggest companies in the chinese stock market are demand oriented companies, such as tech companies, e-commerce or financial like insurance companies. within the top 20 companies in msci china, as far as stock markets are concerned, a weaker yuan is not helpful for the market. it's dif