the first time i did it, uc irvine, i was worried are people going to get the joke. or the many jokes. will people understand the spirit with which i'm presenting this. they got the immediate. that was the thing i was pleased by. and i also presented this at a conference called zombie con which is exactly what it sounds like. i was worried they were going to be way too strict about zombies to understand what i was doing and they also got it completely. so i think the key thing was i had to write it in such a way, and i am in all systems, there's a lot of footnotes in his book. there's a long bibliography in this book. i will defend every footnote and every scholarly citation in the book. i think factually everything i wrote, assumingzombies exist, were correct. but that said, just the absurdity of the premise i think is what allows people to laugh when they read it. the one other thing i'll say what i presented this, it's been funny because in some ways i get two kinds of responses that it depends on how much education the person has had in international relations. f