are first generation or low income cannot only apply and get admitted, but thrive while they're at uci. and that's the key thing, to thrive while they're there, provide the support that could be additional tutoring, but also, thinking beyond college in terms of ecosystem, so when they leave college, they're part of a network of people who are helping them build their careers. >> michelle, this seems so unfair that you have these first generation college students who still have to bear these kinds of burdens, financial and otherwise, it would seem after all of the practice we've had at this, we'd be better off than we are now, and that first generation students wouldn't have to carry this sort of weight. >> i think that's what's disturbing that we all know that higher education is really the pathway out of poverty. and the value of going to college, especially amongst black and latino families across the country is incredibly high. that's the dream that we all have for our own children. as somebody very sage once said, do what rich people do, and rich people send their kids to college.