and they have a totally different set of needs, so it's nice that we have here in town places like ucphat have programs for individuals-- young adults or children of all ages. but the burden is also very much so and very present for the family members, because, as i mentioned earlier, once you turn 21, then there are not a lot of services available to you when nothing really has changed magically between that 20th and 21st birthday. it's just that there's no legislation in place for anything to still continue. so you have to be very resourceful, and you look to a lot of non-profit organizations--vsa arts, you look to the exceptional foundation, you look to ucp of greater birmingham-- - but is there an attempt... it struck me what you were saying earlier--teaching somebody like that to write a cheque, to lock their doors, i guess, and not to leave the stove on--things like that. is there a movement to try to make them economists? i'm sure that's not possible in every case, but is it possible in some cases? - there is, and i think the best hope for that is if school system therapists are