we want to brung that to uction in 2020 time frame with the goal of having all of the major roadway infrastructure completed by the summer of 2021, including the toling systems as well as enhanced transit, a.c. transit, and in particular initial ferry service. so that's the goal. a lot ahead of us over the next three years. and i'm happy to answer any questions that you might have. >> supervisor kim: all right. at this time, see nog questions for mr. cordoba, we'll open up for public comment on items 2 and 3. seeing no public comment, public comment is now closed. mr. clerk, can you please call item 4. >> clerk: approve the minutes of the january 23, 2018 meeting. this is an action meeting. >> supervisor kim: do we have a motion? a motion from sheehy and seconded by fewer. at this time, open up for public comment on item 4. seeing no plic comment on item 4, public comment is closed. can we take a roll call, please, on item 4? [roll call] >> clerk: we have approval. >> supervisor kim: thank you. would you please call items 5 and 6 together? >> clerk: item 5, amend adopted fiscal year 2017/18 to dec