senator udall is next. >> thank you, mr. chairman. good morning, to the panel. and, general chiarelli, i want to, in particular, note the attention you've paid to these important issues. i had an opportunity to travel with you to fort carson earlier this year. i know you've immersed yourself in these difficult discussions. and i know we don't have all the answers yet, and that's why we're holding the hearing, in part. and i trust my questions will be received in that spirit, as well. and i want to -- i wasn't here earlier, during the questioning about the anam test. i think you said that, while the army uses it, predeployment, for a baseline, you don't use it post-deployment, not usually, because of the false positives that often result, or result, to some extent of the time. here's my question. by definition, a baseline is supposed to give us something to look back at, in the aftermath, a way to compare. so, if we're not using, what is it, close to 600,000 pre- deployment assessments to compare to the post-deployment assessments, what are we doing with them? wh