do you -- >> number one,udy, i respectfly disagree with so of the president's characterization. numb one, you'll find nothing in there of any substance havi to do with liability reformmedical liabity reform. he said his people s one to two percent. frankly most of e studies i say say 8 to 10%. as far as y kind of effeive means to buy health insurancecross statelines, again withll due respect, i don't qui see itn the president's an. not to say that 's totally wrong. there are a landfuof ideas. buat its core essence it is a hug expensive, draconian packagthat has government taking over a huge porti. anpeople just don't consid it centrist. >>oodruff: what about his point, congressman, essentially that republicans have to understandhat neither side canet 100 percenor even 80% of what they want therhas to be give on both sides he waseally saying republicans han't been prepared to give anything. >> well,udy w all due respect, we haven't d an oppounity because we haven'been invite mood the negotiations i'm t second ranking repuican, the cond most senior republic on the house dget commi