yes meet captain familin, our colleague from the ufsin investigation department.w very nice you can just nikolai you can just margo so okay, keep going. yezhov went on the run for a couple with his accomplice shortly before escaping to meet them. peter's came to visit fixed. well, you could not have documents he had. observations of this lie of ivannikov that the margon did not light up, it did light up. they just couldn't recognize him. he himself never spoke about the case of yezhov with vyatkin. what do you think happened to them in st. petersburg in the zone, they are not that very friendly, there are still resentments left with will. well, here probably, resentments surfaced and brought them to a joint struggle. well, or maybe, which they didn’t share in a new way. in general, i think vyatkin yezhov slammed and ran. so what is the version? uh-huh. excuse me. great , calm. all yours. well, in short, here is the third floor window, which is the nearest fire escape. there they are both. listen, what, they were just openly discussing their operation in a cafe, th