so that was one of the ufw's strategies. but one of the more influential strategies was the boycott. so that is what his book talks about, about how the boycott emerged as a strategy. what is a boycott? it's when you prevent the consumption, right, of a particular product. in this case, it was grapes. so if you go outside of this classroom and you look across the fields, what do you see, right? grape fields. do the field of delano of kern county consume all of those grapes? absolutely not. it's a world market. so this is what the ufw did is they sent poor farm workers from delano to new york, to chicago, to canada, to europe where all the marketplace was for california table grapes and they went to stores, they went to consumers and they convinced them not to buy those grapes because if you did, what were you doing? you were reinforcing inhumane working conditions for farm workers, right? so his text talks about the evolution of the boycott strategy. so, again, to kind of recap that, these are some of the books that i read i