it's right here at homoposed to in uganda or russia. this is right here at home. and so we have to make sure that kids are equipped with the tools to not only stand up for themselves but become defenders in their own lives. >> how global is this problem? is it an american thing? >> it is a global problem. the statistics that show that bullying is happening all over the world. how it's defined and again the terms are varying between countries but it's a global issue that needs a global solution. >> jennifer, how does this snowball on itself? emily mentioned the anonymity that cyberbullying can allow. how does this create a bigger problem? >> we see cases where kids are bullied in school, and they can't stand up for themselves and then they do it online to others. it can snowball and teens don't always have the emotional tools to know they're hurting someone. we're seeing incidents all over the world where that is happening, and kids who are being bullied, they don't know where to go and what to do. and that middle school and high school won't last forever, and thin