ugc, also known as user generated content. let's talk about what it is. it is any content created by the consumer. this could be a yelp review, a comment, a post, article, picture on behalf of a business, brand, service or product. it is your best friend. millennials are 80% more influnlsed by what their peers are sharing than branded content alone. statistics show us that because now we have the ability to utilize facebook and instagram ads, which is effective. if you insert ugc into ads instead of branded content, as an ad, you will see a higher return on investment. that is the power of user generated content. that also comes hand in hand with your influencer strategy. the influencers who spread awareness on behalf of your business are creating user generated content for your business. the smart thing is repurpose that content through your own business channels or on your website so that you are further aggregating more eyeballs, building your community and again, it's about the community and that brand awareness. that's what social media does for you.