history,ughout apple's it occasionally kills something we assume to be sacred. illed the 3.5" disk drive and cd-rom. do you predict as a someone who follows technology that in a couple years, apple is not doing something that controversial, it's just ahead of the curve. >> i would agree. i don't know if you would can that are it ahead of the curve because i don't know if other smartphone makers are expecting it to happen this soon but in terms of a wireless future, lots of companies are building their own bluetooth headsets, new headphones that can plug into the iphone and a lightning connector has been available for a year. the time is right to do this i would say. oliver: they will not have a headphone jack. i'm pretty sure beats makes wireless headphones. and we connect the dots here? >> we could. i don't think removing the headphone jack that some people have speculated is in order to upsell bluetooth headphones from beats. of course that will be a side effect of it but i think it's about fitting other things inside the phone and the headphone jack is a deep