this is the rate cards done with the uhcppo city plan. you can see the various components, and then, again, the right side of the page and the middle of the page shows the city charter employee contribution elements that construct the city contributions for retirees. next slide. and this is the 100-96-83 active employee version of the rate card. so that is the city plan information. the next slide starts the information on city plan choice not available where, again, these are individuals that do not have full plan choice across the entirety of the united health care, blue shield, and kaiser health care plans. the active employee pricing mirrors that for the access plus. the monthly total cost rate mirrors that of the city plan, but the employer contributions are higher because the retiree contributions match those for the access plus plan, as well. next page. and this is the 100-96-83 contribution. this is the 2021 rate plan for the 93-83-83 early retiree employees, as well as active employees. and 100-96-83. next page. so as we cascade t