. -- when a kid heard the word "ukrane," he thought it was a musical instrument. students have to be able to work and sustain a family. i am going to mention the minorities. we have of them almost in every class. the students are not worried about having, but worry about being. i would submit to the members of the ppnel this question. how successful are you about identifying those minorities who want to be -- who want to know who is living and who was dead, and schopenhauer and einstein and all of those and greece and rome, even if they are not in those fields but they want to know about that? are you worried about that? what are you doing about it? >> you want students to study history and literature and philosophy, and to ask the questions about what life is about. the best education, quite frankly, has to be that broad education. >> it is not about training or technical education. >> it is the humanities and the arts. those things are very important. >> we have reduced our education courses by 25% so our students can take more courses in the arts and sciences.