and to ukrtransbezpeka itself regarding the recognition as illegal and the cancellation of orders on dismissal, resumption of work and collection of average earnings during the period of forced provulol, including in connection with the improper performance of their duties by the leaders of the group of people's deputies of tkachenko-slovytska shynkarenko to the prime minister of ukraine regarding the protection of the lands of the forest fund volodymyr kreydenko, see the prime minister of the minister of reconstruction of ukraine, the minister of community development of the territory and infrastructure of ukraine for ancient information about weighing devices in russia and the method of measuring overall weight and other kilometers with weighing devices in russia, the group of people's deputies of razumkov dmitrov and other 15 deputies to the prime minister of ukraine regarding the inappropriateness of directing budget expenditures to entertainment content under the conditions of martial law of iryna gerashchenko and mariy ivanova to the authorized representative for persons missin