we had one of the better known chefs in the city that helps us out, ula and he has had a restaurant well forever a decade, south of market. he has left and we now just hired a gentleman from a very, very reputable lace. we really wouldn't be spending $100,000 a year on a chef if we weren't serving dinner. no one was paid to leave. one of the neighbors directly above the restaurant was a vegan. and also sober. she is a great lady and we had an ongoing dialogue all the way through the construction process and we worked with her on times that we worked and didn't work. and in the end, the smell of the burgers was just too much for her. she moved to the other side of the building. we helped her do it. i feel that is a very neighborly thing. another neighbor just had an operation. she had an issue with the crowd noise. recently we put in double pane windows for her so she could recover in peace. everybody that has ever approached us about anything, neighborhood-wise has always gotten a card from myself or our general manager and everyone has our personal cell phone numbers if there are issues