the size of the myashchanskaya hut was too small, there in 1907 uladzimir svetapolk-chatsvertsinski begand of the famous italian architect marconi. prince svyatopolk-chatsvyartsinskiy was a nobleman of a special nature, working in the hell of dolida and the magic of a practical non-magician. historic krynitsy hogged the episodes, which had an architect. navat several times adminovitsa hell project, not looking at the ganarar, s prychyny amal shizafrenіchnyh ideas of the customer. the happy nest was knitted in a brilliant way, covering the original decor, and all the beloved desires of the holy regiment did not coincide with the laws of physics and with a well-made porridge. at the same time, it was taken out of the cup. alright. the monumental two-pavement pedestals are covered with attic dachas with aval hatches, halos and dwarf frontal... pasades formed with round centers and on the tanks with rectangular glazes, covered with self-standing hipped dachas with creases. the central dwarves are cut with high parabalic window openings and aval hatches. the design is completed with a balustra