the soloist of the choir uladzisla vitushka reads the tops of the dance antyfan, and the choir adkazvaees. music by paul chasnakov. lord have mercy. and the clergy and the choir sing and say: save us, son of god, from the dead, we sing to you hallelujah. we send to the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever. lord, save me, pious ones. and marching to the highlands, placed behind the thrones, which you call the heavenly light pointing to the highlands, taxama and for the rightful christians, the tsarkva nagadvae pras gatae spesenenno ab neprednasti zhoўvatsi for a thousand times. apostala, razdzel pershy, vershi z pershaga da vosmaga. uryvak, as they say, will be a reminder of the righteous jesus christ and the righteous, as he on the practice of sarakazen knew about the teachings of the day of recognition, and the tax is right... theophile, i am for an hour jesus, do teach, even to the day, he is commandments to the apostles, by the holy spirit, their chosen one will ascend, and set before them, alive after his suffering, in those true signs, for four days. "be baptized wi