. >> caller: yeah, you know, i uli understand this congress' job to pass laws.i like that.gress to ask the gentleman what good does it do congress to pass laws g. we're a country of laws, e immigration laws, and everything, the president head of homeland security, the wholeo bunch, all they want to do is just pick and choose which laws they want to enforce. and i just don't understand that.aw and gun laws -- it's not a gun that kills a person. it's the man holding it. i am a veteran. gun s i've owned guns since i was 8 ed years old. i've never killed anyone. here in the states. or caused any violence, and i just don't understand why y'all think we need more gun laws. we got more gun laws than we can deal with.e all we have to do is enforce them.call. >> i appreciate the call. i think there is a way in which we can construct commonsense gun control without violating the secretary amendment.t. i haven't said that i want to violate or overturn the second amendment. what i want to do is find a rational way to deal with the issues that we're facing today.e thousands