langge) (drivespeaking in foreign ngua) - we werinform tha a huer from cevo photograed the bkan lynx - [ulric i saw tse phos and aually we the firstime i'vever seen sll balkalynx cub most people have never seen even traces. - [man] there're probably less than 50 specimen left in the world. and we could now prove that the balkan lynx is not only living in the national park, but it's reproducing. (bright lively music) (driver speaking in foreign language) - [gjoe] the bgest threats ofhe survil the baln lynx i its bitat structio and habit fragmeation. - [ulrh] so th ly dependsn prey. at prey,or examp, deer, dends on t rivers. so if yodam the ver, you stroy th hatat for e prey. means y endanged th species th cat actlly lies on ese rive, anthey wan build 1dams insidehe natiol park. why onarth do u establh a natial park whenou buildams in tre? it'sither/or if y have thdams, you won'have the cat we fid a compint the ber conventn th is the nventi natur habitat and biiversitysaying, acedonias breaki these coentions at ey have gned." (gentlpeacefulusic) (dver spkingn foreiglanguage) (somr music) (helic