they call themselves a ultra -- themselves ulstras. -- ultras. >> they are seen as the team's consen,utou ao have side that says they will steal eachthcaesnday give each other a good smack. >> sometimes, their love for ccer goes beyond their respect for the law, but they also gazed the letter displays and decorations and help create the exciting atmosphere that can raise goosebumps and the occasional riot -- organize the elaborate displays and decorations. >> it looked like a lot of fun enhe was no separation between the pitch and the spectators. >> very peaceful and great fun. good times. >> after aho bakwe will be right back, looking at the debate on circumcision in germany. >> we will also have a report on the curiosity rove's first test drive on mars. >> stay with us. we will be right back. >> thanks for staying with us. >> in syria, damascus is experiencing some of the worst fiti since the uprising started last month. >> after a day of inns -- intense shelling and bombardment, the army has entered mefhe suburbs in a bid to push out rebels. warplanes and heavy artillery are also b